Tuesday, 22 January 2013

FAQ Indonesian Coffee Luwak

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

Mengapa harga Kopi Luwak kami murah ?

Kami bukanlah industri yang menggaji banyak karyawan secara permanent. Biji Kopi Luwak dikumpulkan secara manual ketika melakukan pemanenan dari kebun kopi. Proses pengolahan dilakukan dengan cara tradisional secara sederhana, demikian pula proses pengemasan kita lakukan dengan cara yg mudah untuk menghemat biaya.

Kebanyakan harga Kopi Luwak dipasaran sangat mahal karena kepentingan labelling, kemasan yg menarik, biaya iklan, ongkos sewa/display toko, kantor, dsb. Akan tetapi kami mengelola Kopi Luwak hanya berdasarkan pemesanan dan kopi kami dikumpulkan langsung dari petani kopi.

Berapa minimum pemesanan ?

Minimum pemesanan adalah 1kg,
Kalau mau, bisa berupa campuran antara Roasted Coffee Beans dan Coffee Powder dengan total berat jadi adalah 1kg.

Apakah kita melayani jumlah pembelian skala besar ?

Sejatinya, kami tidak memiliki jumlah Kopi Luwak yg banyak karena kopi kami bukanlah hasil dari penangkaran luwak sehingga hasil yg dikumpulkan dari memungut kotoran luwak tidaklah menentu.
Hanya pada musim tertentu ketika panen raya kopi dimana banyak sekali binatang luwak berdatangan kita bisa mendapatkan hasil yg lumayan banyak.

Kita memprioritaskan pemesanan langsung dari para penggemar kopi di seluruh tanah air, bukannya industri pengolahan kopi yg hanya membuat harga Kopi Luwak melambung tinggi.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai stock dan pemesanan, silahkan hubungi kami secara langsung.

Why our Kopi Luwak price cheap ?

We are not such kind of industry who pay a large amount of employee. We do collecting the Civet Coffee manually from Coffee plantation. Our processing is rather simple by traditional method. As well to further save the cost, we do a simple packaging without unnecessarily high expenses on the specific label/brand cost.

Most of Civet Coffee has very high price in the market due to involved cost on the branding, labelling, special packaging, promotion and office cost, etc. But we are only processing our small scale Coffee Luwak based on order which then will be processed in a cost effective way as we deal direct with the coffee farmers.

What is the minimum order Qty ?

Minimum order is 1kg.
Based on request, we could also deliver mix of Roasted Beans and Powder Coffee with total amount of 1kg at least.

Can we serve a big scale of order ?

No, we don't have such big Qty of Kopi Luwak since we didn't have Luwak animal to be feeded in the cages. We do collecting the Luwak droppings from the coffee farms, therefore the Qty is uncertain.
Only during specific peak period of harvesting where a big group/flock of Luwak are coming to the farms, then we could have more Kopi Luwak to be collected.

We would give priority for those coffee lover and direct consumer rather than industry/distributor/agent.
They just caused the price of Kopi Luwak increasing sky high thus avoiding this fabulous Indonesian Coffee to be enjoyed by people in the world at reasonable price.

For further information about the stock and ordering, pls contact us directly.


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